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Canadian Paediatric Society Position Statement

Posted on 22 July 2015
ATV's are used all over Canada for recreation, transportation and occupations such as farming. As motorized vehicles, they are dangerous when used by children and young adolescents who lack the knowledge, physical size, strength, and cognitive and motor skills to operate them safely. The magnitude of injury risk to young riders is reflected in explicit vehicle manual warnings and the warning labels on current models, and evidenced by the significant number of paediatric hospitalizations and deaths due to ATV-related trauma. However, helmet use is far from universal among youth operators, and unsafe riding behaviours, such as driving unsupervised and/or driving with passengers, remain common. Despite industry warnings and public education that emphasize the importance of safety behaviours and the risks of significant injury to children and youth, ATV-related injuries and fatalities continue to occur. Until measures are taken that clearly effect substantial reductions in these injuries, restricting ridership by young operators, especially those younger than 16 years of age, is critical to reducing the burden of ATV-related trauma in children and youth. This document replaces a previous Canadian Paediatric Society position statement published in 2004.

Read More on the Canadian Pediatric Sociaty website

Tags:Tyler Massey Law | Ontario Off Road Vehicle Act | ATV Laws

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Emma Goldman, author , wrote. .. "No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure." As Tyler's Third Grade teacher, I've had the opportunity to see the richness of T...


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